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  Cathode Electric Strike Lock ES-Lock
Product Name:Cathode Electric Strike Lock ES-Lock
Product S/N:31912195225
Specification:Cathode Electric Strike Lock ES-Lock
Product Feature:Cathode Electric Strike Lock ES-Lock
Product Class:11.Access Control
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    Product Description

Cathode Electric Strick Lock
Instruction of Electrie Strikes
Features of the electric lock
Remote-controlled lock opening is available. The two major products
serious are fail secure and unlock by electrity pluse. The lock can be applied
to any kind of anodic locks and can keep lock open state without power. It
can be switched between the Right/Lefe side installations. ihe luck
consumers minute power waste; it is safe in utilization
Technical parameters
Operating voltage: 12VDC/AC+15%
Started curent:0.65A
Operating current: 800MA+ 15%0
Working temperature: -40 C-50C
Strike bolt dimension:45×13×6.5mm
Scope of application
Mainly for enterprise office buildings and luxurious houses. The best operative
effect can be achieved using together with IC card operated lock.
package dimension:6.8*4.3*3.3CM

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